Thursday, October 11, 2007
Poker Blogs
Another great way to make money with logs is simple start a blog! If you have 5 blogs making you 50 buck per monthe each, thats only $250 cmon, you're better than that! Start up mroe and mroe blgos and use blgorush. Start a blog on new high payign topics (like poker blogs lol).
Remeber if you had 50 blogs making you 50 bucks a month each, thats a nice 2500 dolalrs a month. Then keep on making/start a blog, and the cash well grow exponentially, andindefinitely.
So, Staryt a blog Poker blog
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
How to get more Traffic to your blog/website
write some articles, preferably about the same topic the site you want to get more traffic is. In the Resource Box, give a little about the site/blog you own and a link! Traffic will FLOOD IN!
Monday, June 25, 2007
I found this site that lets me post and publish my presentations on the web, and easily allows me to sell them. |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Getting Great Photos for AC articles
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A Wikihow on Blogging
Blogs, or web logs, are the fastest-growing mode of mass communication on the planet. Articles about blogs, a form of online public journal, have appeared in the New York Times, Time, and Newsweek. The "blogosphere" has affected elections and corporate policy, and some blogs have thousands of readers a day. Moreover, they are fun.
1. Go to a simple blog creation site. A few common sites for blogging are:,,,,,,, or the ever popular You can also try using a Google search for free blog hosting sites, and you'll easily find one that fits your needs.
2. Choose one that appears to be "User Friendly" for you. I've known a lot of people who start a blog not knowing a single thing about making their site individual to them, and, let's face it, HTML codes are a hard trick to learn, so check it out. If it looks a little to hard to create, and navigate the blog site and you're confused, then don't use that site. I tend to use, because even though it may go down for a few weeks at a time, it's the most user friendly.
3. Choose what type of blog you want to create. Carve out a niche and pick a catchy title that captures the essence of your blog. Remember that a blog, like your clothes, is an extension of you. For most people your blog site may be the only thing they identify you with and you want to be sure that who you are on the inside is reflected on the of know what I mean.
4. Some claim that posting at least once every day is best; Some also say that three quick posts a day are far more effective than one long post every three days. Others claim that when they update a blog every other day they get more readers than when updating two or three entries in a single day. Whatever you do remember that for most bloggers, it's all about reading and many of them would prefer content rather than quantity. Once you get started you'll find that you attract a certain readership, and you may have to adjust how you work your journal to appease and keep the readers you've obtained.
5. Some recommend putting together about a month's worth of material before you tell anyone about your blog. I recommend that you just start writing and fame will come in time. Feel free to go back and rewrite entries to make everything just the way you want before or after you "go public." You can edit any entry at any time with most blog sites. Writing a popular blog doesn't happen overnight. The essence of the blog stems from journaling which means the blog is FOR YOU. Work it how you feel most appropriate.
6. When you're ready, tell close friends about your blog and ask them to tell their friends. Often if you use it as another way to network with those people around you, you'll get a better response. If you push it too hard don't be surprised if they ignore your blog because they feel you're fishing for compliments and attention...remember, blogging is about you, and the more attention you put into yourself, the more people are going to notice.
7. Look around the Internet for blogs you love. Read and post to them religiously. Leave a note that actually has something to do with their site so that they know you actually took the time for pay attention to the material posted; do not expect anything back in return. Just commenting will cause others to be more likely to visit your and do the same. Often when you make comments to sites a link to your own personal site will already be included with your comment, unless you are posting from one hosting site to the next. If your at ITW and you read a blog on Myspace then it would be appropriate to include such a link.
8. Build a network with other people in the blogosphere - make friends online. This is the best way to get readers and a great way to meet people you would otherwise never know. If you get one thing from blogging, this will be it.
* There are three basic types of blogs: a personal journal, a "link" blog , and a reporting blog. Successful blogs find a niche and stick with it. Is there some aspect of your life you're burning to share? Are you an expert in some field of knowledge? Are you obsessed with current events? Find your passion and your reason for starting the blog, and go for it. Again the key is: it's for YOU; others will not be willing to read if they sense you're trying too hard to be popular.
* A personal blog is sometimes the hardest style to do. Even if you're a brilliant writer and profoundly funny, you have to remember that people who know you "IRL" (in real life) may be accessing your journal. Some bloggers have found many quarrels have started because of information that was published in a personal blog. The key to this is: a) ONLY USE FIRST NAMES IF PERMISSION IS GIVEN; if not, use the first initial of the person, and NEVER use last names. b) If the information you share may get someone into trouble or hurt some feelings, then make the entry private (so only you can read it) or don't post it at all. c) Remember that the blog is about you, not about gossip or what your mother's uncle's baby's momma did to the guy across the bar last week...we don't care, and I'm sure that person doesn't want everyone on the world wide web to know either.
* HTML, the language used to design websites, is your friend. Learning basic HTML is far easier than the foreign language you studied in high school. The Help section of can teach you all the HTML you need to learn in order to manipulate your site, add links in text and anything else you need to make your site exactly the way you want it.
* Remember you can be anonymous to most of your readers. This is one of the best aspects of blogging. No one has to know who you are! If you prefer, you can even invent a blog personality to use. Nonetheless, always consider that you should be nice and polite so everyone has a handy-dandy time online.
* A good way to make a popular blog is to make other blogs popular. That is, visit, read, and thoughtfully comment on other people's blogs. On most blogger sites, a link to your own blog will be automatically included in your comment. So the more blogs you post on, the more people will be driven to visit your blog. Of course, don't just go on and post one-word spam, because that might keep people away.
* For any new or advanced blogger, it would be wise to pay attention to those English classes and look for ways outside of your blog to expand your writing experience and expertise. Part of blogging is kind of like writing for a newspaper. Remember to keep your blogs well spaced, and if you can title them, be vague but attention-getting with the titles.
* Don't be rude when blogging because that will make you unpopular or popular with bad people. You don't want rude bloggers or readers participating in your site.
* Don't post your blog link everywhere because it can actually seem rude if you appear extremely desperate to have visitors.
* Be careful with your identity. It's so easy for someone to find you through the net or to find those you talk about. Protect the people you know and, unless they give you permission, don't use their names or other personal information in your blog.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Importance of Content
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Daytipper Idea
A mylot tip pays a lot more to upload images. But they only allow you to upload them to your interests sections. This is OK you can just create many interests and then post tons of images in them. If you make lots of interests even if you are not interested in something you will make lots of money. After all you are there on that site to make money. All you need to do it make tons of interests and then post images in them. If you do at least 100 images a day you can make 1 dollar or more. This is not a lot of money but it's more than what pays for posting. And if you post lots of images you can make some nice money. |
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
WritingUp: A site for Blogging
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Why put Images in your AC Articles?
How to Download Embedded Videos from the Interent
Blogging Tips from Daytipper
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Writing Articles that Sell
by Allison Whitehead
Writing an article is rather like building a zoo – you’ve got to sort out your cages before you put the animals in.
Before you think I’ve mixed my monkeys with my metaphors, let me explain. A factual article is an attempt to pass on a series of facts to the reader. These facts should be suitably arranged within the article, the aim being to present a smooth and rounded piece of work.
Obviously enough, a high standard of writing is required throughout. And in order to achieve this, a carefully planned outline should be sketched out first. Any flaws in the structure can then be dealt with before the first draft reaches the page (or the screen).
Of course, there are some fortunate people who can sit down and write an article without first sketching a plan – and then go on to sell the final result. They are the envy of many an article writer, as they can plan the necessary information out in their heads before they begin, thus saving time, paper and trees. Yet I suspect the majority of us will have to be content with doing it the hard way.
Starting with the basic facts, the first step is to arrange your information in a logical order. I tend to use a flow diagram at the planning stage, as it gives me space to branch out with additional ideas which I may also use. My initial diagram will provide an initial and very broad base to work from, while a second one will concentrate on the development of just one of those initial ideas.
A good structure may not show itself in the finished product – but the lack of one almost certainly will. Time and thought is well spent at this stage, and should make the actual writing of the article easier to approach. You will not want to be concerned with the planning process as you begin to write, as this will stem the flow of your creative juices. A good plan will allow you to concentrate on putting the right words in the right order.
The key point to remember is not to put your monkeys in with your macaws. Make sure your facts relate to each other, both in succession and within the entire article. I very much doubt if the monkeys would get on well with the macaws – and facts which do not belong together will clash in much the same way.
If you are constructing a ‘for and against’ article, the opposing viewpoints will need to receive special attention. There are several ways to approach this in your initial plan.
If the magazine’s style favours it, you may choose to set out the points in a chart form, under the appropriate headings. This is probably the simplest method. It can also be used in article form, with the ‘for’ and ‘against’ arguments following each separate point in the debate.
Alternatively, you may choose to present the ‘for’ argument entirely separately from the ‘against’, using examples and anecdotes to illustrate the pros and cons.
Whatever the subject and approach you use, the outline should be somewhat like a word association game when completed. A well structured plan will flow logically and smoothly, as should the finished article, and your sixth writer’s sense should tell you when this has been achieved.
You may find it helpful at this stage to indulge in some free writing. Keeping your rough diagram to one side, jot down any thoughts or ideas which may work their way into the article.
Do not worry if you begin to distance yourself from the original thought. You are not writing the article at this stage. Any ideas which are not relevant can be discarded, and perhaps picked up later as the basis of another article.
So, having completed a suitable structure and a list of ideas, we can now move on to the first draft. The initial task here is to get a rough version of the article down on paper. The refining process will come later.
Keeping to your outline, begin to develop the facts into a simple yet informative style, paying special attention to the first sentence. You should always aim for a strong opening which will reach out and grab the editor by the throat; something which will make your article leap from beneath the hundreds of other manuscripts and demand to be read.
One method of doing this is to use the ‘question mark’ opening – ask a question which you will then provide an answer to in the final paragraph. By asking a question, you immediately bring your readers into play by talking to them.
Adapt to the pace people live at today. If you have not managed to attract their attention within the first few words, it is highly unlikely they will read further. And of course, if you don’t create an eye opener for starters, your article probably won’t even get past the editor. Remember the key word – it must be readable.
So, having created the best opening sentence in the history of literature, you should now avoid the slippery slope into oblivion. A strong opening will gain attention, certainly, but it will not help to sell the article if the remaining words and paragraphs do not continue the initial promise. And no article sells on the first sentence alone. Every sentence must make the reader want to continue to the end.
The style you adopt will depend on several factors: length, the style preferred by your target market, the demands of the subject itself, and your own personal preferences. This is perhaps the correct order in which to list them, as your own personal style must be adapted for the occasion. If, like me, you tend to have the occasional bout of verbal diarrhoea, then you should be particularly careful when writing a 500 word short.
So, having teased out the first draft from your plan, you can now progress to the third stage. Put the article in a drawer, folder or file, or on a rarely used disk and leave it alone for a few days before editing it.
This is often the hardest part. Having been so close to your writing, it is difficult to let go completely and move on temporarily to something else. Yet it will provide you with the best results.
Errors made by a smoking pen at times when you think faster than you can write will shine through the initial draft and beg to be put right. If time allows, this process is best repeated, in order to get rid of tiny errors which you may previously have overlooked. Always aim for the best you can do.
And over time, if you continue to persevere, you will find that your best will get even better.
About the author:
Allison Whitehead has been writing – and selling – articles for sixteen years. Her extensive knowledge has been distilled into a four step blueprint for article writing success, called ‘Hey! I Really CAN Sell My Articles!’, available for immediate download from
Freelancing Online
By Elizabeth Clark Wickham
Congratulations. You’ve finally succeeded in setting apart a block of time for your new home-based freelance business. Perhaps you’re making headway in juggling a two-year-old, a five-year-old and your editing work. Or you’re managing to work at the dentist’s office in the morning and extract your novel’s chapters in the evening. Along with adjusting your own lifestyle, such as reducing TV-viewing to add more hours to your day, you’ve triumphed in training those around you to interrupt you minimally during keyboarding time.
But before you dub yourself the king or queen of time management, you may want to take a closer look at how you spend your actual working time. It’s easy to attribute failure to others’ interruptions, but sometimes poor time usage is self-induced.
Inadvertently, these four time traps may be stealing your valuable freelance minutes:
Downloading and answering e-mail is part of the business. You need to send query letters and hear from editors, discuss a word rate with a client, or network to get the interview you need.
But some e-mail, while seemingly business-related, may be subtracting actual working time. For example, have you been too absorbed in swapping chit-chat with other writers? For an eye-opener, calculate how much time you spend dealing with e-mails versus how much time you spend actually writing or editing.
You can also slash e-mail time by doing the following:
Keep a folder of standard e-mails (a sample query or rates proposal, for example) to copy and modify.
Send clean, well-written e-mails but ignore your perfectionistic streak and don’t deliberate for hours over word choice.
Answer e-mail promptly as pile-ups cut back on efficiency.
Maintain well-organized e-mail folders and subfolders; this will save you time when needing to refer to past e-mails.
Set a timer and spend only that amount of time each day answering e-mails.
Separate personal e-mails to handle later.
Online multitasking
When you surf the web, stick to business. It’s easy to multitask online, searching for airline tickets for summer holidays while you look up statistics for an article on bad posture. Or it’s hard to avoid checking out your old university roommate’s new website while you download writer’s guidelines.
Nonrelated multitasking, however, usually has two effects that slow you down. First, it leads you down rabbit trails. Usually one interesting webpage leads to the next, and before you realize it, you’re lost in cyberspace. Second, nonrelated multitasking splits your mind, giving way to daydreaming. Daydream about your writing, not about e-Bay purchases! Keep on track.
For strictly business web surfing, it’s smart to write down a short list of what you actually want to do online. Then you may open four windows and do everything at once, but you’ll be ensuring that your searches have to do with your work.
“I’ll forget” prompts
Mental distractions are easy to act upon when working from home. You’ll remember that you didn’t put macaroni on the grocery list or that you didn’t thank Uncle Bert for the Christmas check. And the urge will be, “If I don’t do it now, I’ll forget. I’ll just take a quick break.”
Quick fix-it breaks at home are a common trap because everything is within reach. If you were at an office, you wouldn’t be able to “just pop” the laundry into the washing machine.
But getting up from your desk to tend to one of these epiphanies usually leads to another short job and yet another. By the time you return to your senses, you’ve lost 40 minutes.
One solution is to keep a “bother list” handy, a sheet of paper or a notebook next to your work area. If anything unrelated to work nags your neurons, just write it on the bother list. The new motto is “On the list, out of mind” and you can continue to freelance.
Later, when you’ve finished working, consult your bother list and take care of each item to your heart’s content.
Good reading
When you begin to freelance, you need to read lots of articles to understand what you’re getting into, what rights to offer, how to improve your queries or which markets to pursue. All of us are indebted to the valuable information we’ve received from numerous websites, authors and fellow beginners.
As you continue to freelance, you still need to remain abreast of your field. You’ll find yourself interested in articles describing the newest editing software, book reviews and successful writers’ insider tips.
But let’s face it: You could easily spend the six hours you normally dedicate to your business perusing interesting, well-crafted articles – helpful articles! Yet if those articles detract significantly from your actual business, they’re not so helpful after all.
If reading is your self-induced time trap, try saving your reading for certain days or time slots. If you run across an interesting article online, click “Save as” and download it to a “Read later” folder. And then dedicate your allotted reading time to that folder and to other books.
So... may I ask what you’re doing still reading this article online?
Elizabeth Clark Wickham is a freelance writer, editor and translator based in Europe. For more information about her, visit
Finding Free Stuff to Sell on EBay
by Allison Whitehead
Everyone knows there’s money to be had on eBay. And the biggest profit margins have to come from those items that don’t cost you a cent to get hold of in the first place.
But where do you find them?
Well they’re actually easier to find than you might think. You just need to know where – and how – to look.
Let’s start close to home. Now is the time to have a clear out, and create a pile of stuff you no longer want or use. Once you’ve done that, cast your net further afield and start talking to friends and family. You’d be surprised how many people have stuff they just want to get rid of. We’ve had relatives donate an entire loft full of stuff to us – and they wouldn’t take any money for it.
You’re probably thinking they’d have to be nuts not to hit eBay and make some money themselves, but consider this. Not everyone has the time; not everyone is as ‘into’ eBay as we are; and not everyone wants the cost or hassle of hiring a skip (or three) to get rid of it all. We saved them money and took the whole lot away for them. Problem solved.
Another ideal place to go is boot fairs and similar sales, but make sure you hang around until the end. Lots of people leave their unsold goods behind as they don’t want to take them all home again. You can pick up some good stuff like this.
Another idea - keep an eye out online and in magazines for free, no obligation offers from any number of companies. You know the kind of thing – receive our free monthly newsletter and receive a free book to keep with the first issue. There are countless offers like these popping up all the time, and you can apply for them and put the free items on eBay to turn a quick profit. Join a few internet sites, like Smart Free Stuff, to get information on the latest freebies available.
Above all, make sure you tell everyone you’re after stuff for eBay. They’ll get in the habit of phoning you before they throw anything out.
And that’s definitely good news.
About the author:
Allison Whitehead is a freelance writer, whose articles have appeared all over the web. For more FREE information and guidance on earning more cash from eBay, visit these links – and
Sunday, March 25, 2007
5 Ways to Increase Web Traffic
Ive outlined 5 ways to reach your target. But, please keep in mind that these are not the only ways that you can do to increase your traffic. There are hundreds of techniques to increase traffic. But these one are the proven one. Ive used it personally. More importantly, these techniques can get you FREE traffic. Youre money is saved in your pocket. Lets go to the first one.
Technique #1: Linking strategy
Linking strategy is the easiest way to get free traffic. When I say the easiest way it does not mean that you can ask everybody to link to your site and do nothing after that. Compared to other techniques that youll discover, this one will take less time to do.
Heres how to do it. First select the site in your niche market. Be selective. Choose one that has a high traffic. Usually a high traffic site is pretty stingy to put link to your site. So, the key here is to be persistent. Ask them how many visitors do they received per month and if they could link to your site. If they dont answer your request, email them the second time. Be persistent. If they dont want to link to your site, ask them to trade link instead (reciprocal link). This is the last resort you want to have.
Word of warning: Dont crowd your site with too many links. Only accept link trading if its really worth it.
Technique #2: Offer Free eBooks or articles
Youll fall in love with this technique if you see what it can do to your site. This technique can create an excellentViral marketing effect. It can multiply the no of visitors to your site in a matter of days.
This most important thing about this technique is that to offer something that is really useful to your visitor. So useful that they can only get that information from you!
You need to the wants in your need market. What problems do they encounter? Solve these problems and you have a killer articles or e-book that you can give away for free. Remember, dont sell it. Give it away for free. If you feel really reluctant to give your article or e-book for free, you can give your visitors a partial of it. But, make sure its really useful. Dont forget to put your name and your contact information in this article or e-book. Usually, if you write an article, you need to include your resource box at the very bottom of your article.
The most important task in this technique is to offer a reprint right to your visitors. What this mean is that your visitors can publish your articles or e-book to anyone in any medium; email, Ezine, website or anything. But please state your condition: Include your contact information or resource box. This will create viral effect to your visitors.
Before I forgot, there is one particular e-book compiler that is good in doing this kind of task. The name of this e-book compiler is E-book Edit Pro. With this compiler, you can offer your visitors a customizable e-book. This is a great incentive for them to distribute your article or e-book since they can put their name and information in it. If you like to know more about the
excellent compiler, please visit:
Technique #3: Classified Ad
This is the most time consuming technique compared to all 5. While it is time consuming, it is really worth it. Tips - This technique should be used together with the above technique. Let me explain:
First, you need to write an e-book or article that you can give it away for free. Then, you need have an autoresponder. If you dont have an autoresponder (your hosting company should provide this service for free), you can get one for free. Just type free autoresponder in your search engine and youll get hundred of sites that provided free autoresponder. If youre searching for excellent autoresponder, Id like to suggest these autoresponder:
1. - Most online marketers used this service. You pay monthly to them for providing service. The most important feature is that you can personalize your autoresponder with your visitor"s name. They also provide a free service. The only catch is that there will be an ad in your email.
2. - One of the first companies to provide autoresponder service. Try to visit their site if you want to learn more. Basically, it offers the same kind of service as
3. - You only need to pay one-time fees for this service since the software will be installed on your server. Its great in you dont want to pay high monthly fees. The only drawback for Autoresponseplus is that you need to have a little bit skill on how to install cgi (Common Gateway Interface) on your server.
Enough talking. Lets continue.
After you have your own autoresponder, place your free article in this autoresponder. Now, you need to advertise your autoresponder address in the classified ad website. Dont put your email address but your autoresponder address. The best part with this technique is that you can capture you visitor"s email. You can contact them again and again if you have any offer in the future.
Technique #4: Deliver informational pack Ezine/newsletter
People surf the net to look for information. Out of 100, only 3 people surf the net to buy something. But others are doing some research or try to find something informational.
With this keep in mind, you can attract people to come to your site if you can deliver them timely information. By producing timely information, you glued these visitors to your site preventing them from going elsewhere. This can be done by giving them free newsletter or Ezine.
This is not an easy task because there is abundance of free information on the net. You need to give them something different from these free stuff. Try to provide something unique in your Ezine. For example, if youre publishing music Ezine, try to make a deal with music label so that you can give special price to your subscriber. Make sure your subscriber cannot get this of kind if deal in other place. If you can create this unique proposition, youre already on top of the world. Your Ezine will spread like fire. More people will come to your site to subscribe your unique newsletter.
Technique #5: Offer affiliate program
This is the greatest FREE traffic generator technique out there. With this technique both parties win; you and your affiliate program participant. You get more traffic and sales, they get more money from referral commission.
This topic is really a large topic. I can write a whole e-book about how to create a successful affiliate program. But, Ill discuss the basic thing about affiliate program in here.Basically, to create an effective affiliate program, you need to create an interest for your visitors to join your affiliate program. You can do this by giving them high referral fees and marketing tools for them to use. Above all, you need to make them easy to promote your product or service. Dont make them do all the hard work. It is your job.
The next thing you need to do is to motivate them to spread the word about you. Contact them in a timely manner. Dont forget them after theyve joined your program. Make them feel special. In fact, they are special since they are the one who will do the promotion and advertising.
A well designed affiliate program can increase your website traffic and sales by unimaginable amount. But again, you need to devote all you effort in this technique if you want to have a successful affiliate program. Dont do it half way. Even if youve to work 18 hours a day to create your own affiliate program, its really worth it in the future. The payoff is going
to be thousand times your initial effort.
All of these techniques are free. You dont have to spend a dime on them. Try it on your site. Ive tried all these techniques. And they work!
Nas Romli runs a site that help people to start their own home based business within 24 hours.Many have benefited from this service.Drop by at his site for more information about this amazing service:
Constant Content

Constant content is like AC. But, it's other users who are buying the content, for their own sites. therefore, you can sell it multiple times.
Here's how it works. You submit an article. You give three prices:
- Usage (lets the buyer use the content, but others can use it again by buying it through constant content)
- Unique (it is bought and taken off the site)
- Full Rights (you buy th content, it is taken down form CC, and you can manipulate it, resell it, and claim you wrote it. Basically, you OWN the content this way)
The prices rise from usage to full rights, obviously. You get 65% of every sale:
- 65% to you
- 5% to your referrer
- 20% to Affiliates
- 10% to CC
You can also sell your non-exclusive AC articles on there for even more cash! (but then, DO NOT offer unique or fulll rights options)
Also, why not use CC for your OWN blog? A TON of content on there is free, so you can put it up to get more and more stuff on your blog (if you do have a blog, you should add content regualrly).
CC accepts TXT, PDF, and HTML documents for sale. Of course, you could sellan article and say that you are selling the download link!
Join CC buy clicking on the logo at the top of this post!
Writing ebooks
by Earma Brown
Organize Your Book for Easy Speed-Writing
Every successful non-fiction book, including e-books have a set structure. Readers enjoy easy-to-read maps to guide them through your book. They love consistency. It is disconcerting and unprofessional if you change formats throughout the book.
You must create an outline to structure your chapters and then fill in the blanks as you work on your book. The best non-fiction books have a set structure to house each chapter. Use repeating elements in each chapter. Your readers will love knowing generally what to expect in each chapter and reward you by reading your book from start to finish. Your consistency, your focused, themed copy will keep your reader reading to the end because it's easy to read.
You should organize your chapters before writing with a table of contents, chapter title, brief quote, introduction, list of supporting points, and a brief summary.
Selecting Your Saleable Topic
Choose a topic that people are hungry for information and you have a passion for. Either you already know a wealth of information about this topic or its one you want to find out more about.
Interested in helping people get financially fit? You could research the latest financial plans, get out of debt plans and/or budgeting plans to see if they work.
Develop at least 8-10 questions people want the answer to in getting financially fit.
Interview 10-15 people and you will have an interesting survey, interviews and testimonials to put into your solutions oriented ebook. Post it on the internet and put it in front of the stream of people looking for financial solutions each month.
Develop Your Table of Contents
Begin by developing topic areas for your table of contents. For example, the 8-10 major areas listed in my Creating a Website with Marketing WOW ebook began with this list of topics:
Giving Your Site a Purpose
Design Rules to Define Your Website
Website Dos & Don'ts
7 Keys to Winning Website Sales Copy
Search Engine Optimization Made Easy
Free to Profit Marketing Strategy TM
Correct These Website Mistakes and Prosper
The list of topics will become your chapters list or table of contents.
Divide each Chapter Topic into Questions list
The easiest method is to take each chapter topic and list questions your audience needs an answer to. Or if you have a wealth of information, you would simply list 5-8 points to support your chapter topic. A good organization tips is to include these as chapter notes right before the introduction.
That way your audience will have a preview of what's covered in each chapter. Also, when you are writing you will have a clear guideline as what you need to write next. The Chapter Outlines for the Creating a Website with Marketing WOW ebook developed like so:
Chapter Three
Stellar Web Copy Sells
Sizzle Your Web Copy to Sell Your Service/Product
Wow Website Notes:
Give Your Copy a Theme
Capture Interest with Headlines
Identify and Personalize Benefits
Help Visitors Visualize
Power Punch Your Words
Add Engagement tools
Make it Web Ready
Help Your Site Pass Inspection With Your Visitors
If you have any problems coming up with questions to support your chapter topics, visit the discussion forums and support groups in your targeted market.
Commit to a Regular Writing Schedule
You have gotten started. That's great. Now commit to a regular writing schedule of 30 minutes to one hour. To gain momentum, set a goal to answer at least 3 questions each day from your book.
You might be surprised to discover how fast you can accomplish your book and put it on the market for profit.
Avoid This Speed-Breaker
Many writers and business professionals are perfectionist, including me. But to maintain momentum and complete your book fast, you must avoid premature editing and over-editing. After getting the book out of your head to paper, use one of your regular writing sessions to self-edit your book. Your copy will be compelling and without doubt, if you don't use the stop and start method of editing.
Don't wait any longer. Get your e-book done and whiz past all the people that wonder if it can be done and the dream-killers that tell you it can't be done. Implement the above principles, organize your book and get it written faster than you ever dreamed.
Is selling on EBay right for you?
Written by Evan Sherlock
Owner of
EBay is one of the largest growing websites that allow you to buy and sell practically whatever you want these days, but I always keep hearing people say that they can't do it because it's to complicated or they have nothing that they can sell to make profit. Well, that's what I first told myself, but as I read many success stories and saw how easy it could be, I was willing to give it a try.
Now, you don't have to be a computer geek to sell or buy on eBay. You just need to know how to follow directions and if you can do that, it really is pretty simple. So, just to clear up a few things for a sellers information, eBay won't charge you for registering for either buying or selling products, the only fees that you primarily will have to pay for are your insertion fees and your final value fees depending on if you sell the product. There are a few odds and inns such as picture fees, reserve fees, etc. For the buyers information, it won't cost you to bid or buy an item, the only fee that you'll most likely have to pay for will be your transaction fee from what ever payment method you took, such as pay pal
To start things off, if you want to sell products on eBay, but you don't think you have anything that is valuable enough to make some sort of profit from, you're wrong. You can sell anything on eBay from advertising on your forehead, to selling your grandfathers Ford Model T. So, just find anything, go to garage or rummage sales if you want, anything at all will do. Once you have a product, I recommend researching it on the internet to find out how much it's worth, and also going on eBay and try to find the same product, even a dollar of a difference matters to a buyer when he or she is looking at products. Then, when you have a reasonable price for your product, there are a few more steps that you will need to have done. You will no matter what, want to try to upload a picture of the item to your computer so you can attach it to your post. A picture really is worth a thousand words, or in this case money. So be sure you are going to be able to obtain a picture, and if you can't, don't let it prevent you from not selling your product. It will just draw away serious buyers looking at your product, so I recommend including a very detailed description. Unless the product has a bar code on it, eBay has a very easy to use system that you can use to obtain a picture of your product depending on if they have it in their database through entering in the UPC number found on your product.
Ok, so you have the three basic fundamentals for selling your product on eBay, the product, a description, and a picture if you have one. Now you need to go through the process of posting it on eBay website. There are primarily two ways that you can sell an item, you can sell it in an auction format, or sell it at a fixed price. If you are uncertain about the auction format because you are afraid you might not get the amount of money you want to get from your product, you can always set a reserve. A reserve means even if the auction started at one dollar, a bidder will not be able to buy the item until it reaches the minimum amount that is wanted, which is your reserve. If you choose to go with the fixed price format, which means you will set the price that you want for your product, so that what you will get, nothing lower. Just remember that if you set the price too high, you probably won sell it, and don set it to low that it sounds too good to be true. This step is very important to maximize your profit.
From here on, you will have about five more steps that you will have to get through on eBay website to get your product sold. The first two are fairly strait forward and simple. First, you will have to choose a category for your product; this is vital when you consider a buyer searching for your product under a different category then what you chose. Second, you will have to include a title and description of your product. Like I said before, include everything that is associated with your product, even possible damages or defects.
The last three steps need a little bit more care and thought, such as how to maximize your profit. So for third, you will be asked to include a picture of your product if you have one, it is not mandatory, but it is necessary if you want to draw more buyers to your item. Fourth, you will have to choose your payment and shipment methods. If you are not sure about what payment method to choose, I recommend pay pal for its ease of use and low transaction fees. Though there are many other methods of payment, pay pal is one of the fastest ways for you to receive your money quick. But, keep in mind that not all people have pay pal, so remember to add another payment method that you are willing to accept. This will increase the chance of a buyer buying your product. Shipping deals with many factors including how big your item is, such as an antique chest, and if you want to offer free shipping or local pick-up only. Free shipping is a definite selling point for your product, and I recommend mentioning it in your title for your product. Just make sure that you will need to make enough money to pay for the shipping, and that it will not interfere with the profit that you want to make. Finally, for the last step, which I think is the easiest, review and submit the item. Look over everything very carefully, and make sure that everything looks nearly perfect.
If you think you e done, think again. There are a few more steps that you can and should take to increase your reputation as a so called bayer Leaving feedback is a great way to let your buyer know that you had a great transaction with him or her. It also gives you a better chance at buyers since the number of feedback will show up next to your username. Just include a sentence or two describing how the transaction went, it really shows how responsible and professional you are. Other ways would be simply packaging your item nicely to avoid damage. Buyers like this, and it will give you a better chance of them buying from you again. If you are on a low budget, just do a little dumpster diving. You can always find bubble wrap and other things that will make you seem more professional if you look behind office products stores. Remember, selling something on eBay should be fun. You don have to go to places where they offer they will sell your product for you. You just end up wasting money considering what you have read above, showing you how easy it can really be. So find something you want to sell, and sell it. There are no major rules to eBay, so if you e doing well, you could even turn your hobby into a fulltime income, the sky is the limit.
How to Start an Efficient EBay Business
Starting an online business sounds like a daunting task. You start to think things like; I don’t know anything about internet marketing, e-commerce, search engine optimization… I can’t even create a website!
All of these, beyond the lack of knowledge of them, cost money. Something most of us don’t have enough of.
There is an online solution that bypasses the majority of what you need to start. It’s called eBay. Rarely unheard of, this enormous online marketplace is the perfect solution to starting a low cost, low risk online business.
The question is how exactly do you start an eBay business, or even start selling a few items? You would think the answer would be to go out to a Barnes & Noble or search through for a $20.00 how-to book for selling on eBay. However, what makes eBay even more efficient is that it is its own how-to book. In fact, the features and support provided by eBay are sufficient enough to start selling and making consistent supplemental income.
So your first step is to head on over to, surf through the site and learn all you can and the best thing is that it is all free. Check out the Community section and you will find a wealth of information from other sellers.
After eBay has your business up and running, your next step is to search out the information that will improve your current entrepreneurial endeavor. This is where you might have to spend some money. Of course, you can use the money you made on eBay to buy a book that will improve your eBay business.
You’re in the business of making your market super efficient. eBay, as an enormous community of honest buyers and sellers, is itself a super efficient market, where sellers sell below retail and buyers get the best deal. The goal of your business should be to mimic eBay on a smaller scale.
With that in mind, finding a book that enhances your business should entail a strategic framework for your business. This includes taking a look at your business as a whole. The old adage, “You can’t see the forest for the trees” should apply. If you focus too much on certain details, you may just find your business going under fast.
In summary, browse through the eBay website, learn the most you can for free, begin to put auctions up and make some extra money. When you get used to that, use some of that extra money to buy a book to enhance your eBay business. This book should have foundational, strategic advice that will cause your business to evolve into a mini super efficient market. Then get ready to profit from you lowest cost, lowest risk, online business endeavor you have ever attempted.
Eboks: All about them
E-books in Your Life
E-Books are making a big impact in the way we read, write and use books. There is nothing holding back an expert with years of experience on a particular field to write about all the ins and outs, trade secrets, strengths and weaknesses of the industry.Consider Colm Dillon, the author of Unique Real Estate Development Method. He has 30 years and $1.2 Billion worth of professional real estate development experience. Dillon wrote his book purely from experience and practical usage. His eBook is now selling in 63 countries and directly available on the Internet.
More and more shoppers are now buying books online. If you purchase a physical book that you have been dying to get your hands on you still have to wait for shipping and delivery before you can start reading. With E-Books you get instant delivery 24x7. No more waiting and watching the clock. While the inspiration and interest is hot, you get to download your favorite business book and start reading away.
Imagine, discovering an E-Book called Business Plans at 11.30 pm, decided to buy and download the book at 12.05 am, finished reading it by 2.00 am. The 10 o’clock meeting next morning, and you are already a guru on Business Plans and opportunities to lead you company to new frontiers.
And that E-Book is very easy to share with your spouse or friend, just email it. The E-book will never wear out for millions of years to come. Hundreds of thousands of E-Books can be carried in the palm of your hand no matter where you go in a flash-drive or portable disk.
E-Books are the new media for traditional physical books, but are E-Books here to stay? Consider Joe Vitale, author of numerous successful E-Books and more recently famous for Attractor Factor which has already outsold Harry Potter as #1 bestseller twice in two weeks. E-books are carving the path for many talented authors around the world. E-books are not only here to stay but also becoming very popular.
About the Author
Sanjib Ahmad is a Product Consultant for - Business Best Sellers. You are free to use this article in its entirety as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content, and include the resource box listed above.Hey everyone!
The author is below:
How to Be Successful Selling on EBay.
By: Houston Bruce
If you want your own EBay business heres a quick start
guide to selling on EBay.
Decide What You Want To Sell.
Spend awhile watching others to see what sells
and how they go about selling. Make note of what items
sell the best. You will see the couple of items that always
sell very well. This will be your business do your research.
Before You Spend Your Hard Earned Money.
Once you have chosen your product watch your competition
closely. Watch for any era in their auctions. This way
you can improve your strategies and avoid the same
Finding Your Product.
Find a supplier for your product. Search several different
sources. If you can find one that has an auto ship you can
save a lot by not having to stock inventory. If the product
is selling higher on EBay than what the supplier wants
your ready.
Do not Try And Start Too Big.
Start slowly learn what works and what doesnt. You do not
want to throw a lot of money into it right away.
It doesnt cost much to try even the strangest ideas
on EBay and the strangest may be one that works.
Just Keep Testing.
Do not be afraid to try different ideas. You just need to
find that one niche that works and then keep doing the
same thing over and over.
Any Business Needs A Plan.
Develop a good plan then stick to it. It doesnt have to be
anything formal. Just a simple outline. Your market your
strategies and your budget.
Expand Your EBay Business.
Once you have found your product and niche and some success
now is the time to put more of your time and money into it.
Set easy goals then keep increasing them slowly as you
reach each one.
Official Business.
Once you really get rolling you will want to register
as a business. It"s not expensive or hard to do.
An attorney can help you through the process.
Make It Easier.
After a while you will find that you are doing the same
things over and over. Software such as auto responders
can help with things such as e-mails and item descriptions.
They can be used with whatever message you provide.
Most Important.
Do not give up.Even when it looks like the end, And everything is going wrong. If you just keep working you
may find the break to turn it into the EBay business to
make you A nice Income.
Friday, March 23, 2007
My Cats, Miso and Misha
Miso and Misha
Miso is the runt of his litter, so therefore he is small and cuter. Misha is actually the fat one, and is more
dependent on us to play with him. Miso is more independent.
Miso and Misha are BIG fans of basking in the sun, and 50% of the time,
that's what you'll find them doing!
Here's a list of how to distinguish between Miso and Misha:
- Miso is smaller than Misha in every way
- They both have white spots under their chins, but Miso's is smaller
- Misha's hair is rougher and puffs out more on his cheeks
We feed our kittens real food. Not
disgusting factory made dry food, but fresh chicken. We usually give
them 1 chicken thigh twice a day each. Also, sometimes we give them
something instead like salmon or steak if we have leftovers from
dinner; We save 2 chicken thighs that way.
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